-LOSSES INCURED BY A COMPANY -this can be carried forward or relieved for a maximum period of four years except for Petroleum and agricultural business. Recently loss relief limit for insurance company was extended indefinitely(that is removed).
-The loss to be relieved will not be more than the actual loss.
-The loss must be relieved from profit from the same source.
For more information call +234-80 67922530.
Disclaimer: Obi Azubuike is not by this publication acting as a professional advisers and therefore not liable to any damage whatsoever for your acting or refraining to act based on this publication. Consult your professional for advice.
copyright(c) 2016-Obi Azubuike
-The loss to be relieved will not be more than the actual loss.
-The loss must be relieved from profit from the same source.
For more information call +234-80 67922530.
Disclaimer: Obi Azubuike is not by this publication acting as a professional advisers and therefore not liable to any damage whatsoever for your acting or refraining to act based on this publication. Consult your professional for advice.
copyright(c) 2016-Obi Azubuike
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