

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GOD’S POWER -Many individuals have failed on their successful endeavor without the acknowledgement of God’s Power in their business and personal success in life.         -Failure to acknowledge God’s power can lead to business failure.          -KING PHAROAH OF EGYPT – His inability to acknowledge God’s power         leads to his failure-see EXODUS.   -KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR OF BABYLON - His Inability to acknowledge God lead to his humiliation. See Daniel   -Prayer to the Supreme Being (the creator) can help us when our human capability fails in our business. SEE MORE OBITAXANSWER.COM Disclaimer : Obi Azubuike is not by this publication acting as a professional advisers and therefore not liable to any  damage whatsoever for your acting or refraining to act based on  this publication. Consult your professional for advi...


  This risk can be seen in these 5 areas   Taxes and other mandatory payment.  Legal requirements  IT requirement.  Labour laws and right.  Internal control and adherence to organisational policies   TAXES AND OTHER MANDATORY PAYMENTS.    Tax constitute a major compliance risk to many businesses.  Ability to manage this risk can mean success to your businesses. Always look for legal opportunity to reduce your taxes.  In any tax system there are possible legal ways to reduce your taxes.  Some are deliberately created to encourage savings, pension arrangement and employment.  Work with a tax expert and also research on a particular tax matter to understand some tax transaction important to you.    You should know that no matter the tax expert you hire you are responsible for your tax matters. ‘Financial-Tax budget’ is important to put in place.    SEE MORE  O...


  This will be discussed in these areas   -   - Accounting records. -  -   Financial control and authorisation.     - Budget & budgetary controls.     - Cyber security.      - Data security      - Security of data in the cloud.    The main law in economics is the law of scarcity. Resources are scarce but human wants are unlimited.  There must be a way to control resources within and out of the business.    ACCOUNTING RECORDS    (a)Sales or Revenue-this track income to the business with dates   (b)Purchases-This track all purchases made in the business with dates.    (c)Inventory or stock records.    (d) Cost of production or services per period.    (e) Creditor or accounts payables. –keeps track of bill or creditors to pay.   (f) Debtors or Accounts Receivabl...


  TABLE OF CONTENT WITH FREE TOPICS - INNOVATION - FINANCIAL AND CYBER CONTROLS - MANAGING COMPLIANCE AND REGULATORY RISK . -DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS PLAN & STRATEGY. -   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GOD’S POWER SEE MORE AT OBITAXANSWER.COM   TAX PLANNING AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY-EBOOK   ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE   Disclaimer : Obi Azubuike is not by this publication acting as a professional advisers and therefore not liable to any  damage whatsoever for your acting or refraining to act based on  this publication. Consult your professional for advice.  copyright(c) 2016-Obi Azubuike


 HOW VENTURE CAPITALIST INVEST THERE WAY TO RICHES? VENTURE CAPITALIST How to invest as venture capitalist. -Understanding the difference in risk and return -Understanding the law of probability. -Understanding the portfolio 1.Investing in safe territory - 50 percent   2.Investing in moderate territory -30 percent 3.investing in High risk business and possibility of high return-20 percent. Possibility of high return -possibility of invention(high) -Uncommon business -Business with possibility of future cash flow. -Possibility of disruption of  established norms. INVESTING IN SAFE BUSINESS -Business with proven customer base.   -Business with proven customer retention. -Business with high  possible future cash flow. Disclaimer : Obi Azubuike is not by this publication acting as a professional advisers and therefore not liable to any  damage whatsoever for your acting or refraining to act based on  this publication. Consult your profession...


 More than  15 percent of business revenue are spent in accounting, tax and business process. Some of     these cost  are avoidable both in monetary terms and time spent on these project. Employing technological business analytical that reduces both time and fund spent on these task is crucial. Enormous amount of  cost can be saved employing accounting analytical software , tax software and business analytical software that guides  business  decision making. This will reduce more than 50% of  your business cost. TCONCEPT PROFESSIONAL  SERVICES( DEVELOPS   ACCOUNTING, TAX AND BUSINESS SOFTWARE. SEE OUR  SOFTWARE


  EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT (RESEARCH)   Knowledge is power!!!!!!! Education and research is a way to find out “gold and diamond” God has embedded in the universe. Ignorance can lead to death. Just as ignorance about the law is not an excuse.   When the medical profession has not been developed some death has been attributed to witchcraft, gods and bad people.   Education empowers humans to do the abnormal. From civil engineering; art to medical sciences. Many Big and successful organization has embedded education and continuous development in their programme to empower people.   Education is a powerful tool. The best country in the world has the best educational system and research system. The best military system has the best educational and research system. Education involves research and which is a tool to find unknown fact or knowledge.   Education and development in form of research is only way to conquer the world. S...