HOW VENTURE CAPITALIST INVEST THERE WAY TO RICHES? VENTURE CAPITALIST How to invest as venture capitalist. -Understanding the difference in risk and return -Understanding the law of probability. -Understanding the portfolio 1.Investing in safe territory - 50 percent 2.Investing in moderate territory -30 percent 3.investing in High risk business and possibility of high return-20 percent. Possibility of high return -possibility of invention(high) -Uncommon business -Business with possibility of future cash flow. -Possibility of disruption of established norms. INVESTING IN SAFE BUSINESS -Business with proven customer base. -Business with proven customer retention. -Business with high possible future cash flow. Disclaimer : Obi Azubuike is not by this publication acting as a professional advisers and therefore not liable to any damage whatsoever for your acting or refraining to act based on this publication. Consult your profession...